Shropshire Star

Can you help recruit the next generation?

At a time when agriculture is facing challenges with recruitment and retention, the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme offers you the opportunity to demonstrate the wide range of roles available in the sector and to inspire the next generation.

Jen Waters, AHDB head of knowledge exchange (Pork)

The programme recruits highly qualified and committed young entrants from Harper Adams University into the pig industry and associated trade, and has a track record of motivating students to pursue a career in the sector who might not have considered doing so before.

Now in its 10th year, the programme has seen more than 35 students spend their placement year within the pig industry, with many returning to their placement company after graduation.

I am keen to talk to anyone, from all ends of the supply chain – farm to supermarket shelf – who would like to take on the challenge of enthusing a student with a placement year that opens the many career options that exist within our industry.

If you’re not sure whether it would work for your business, or have questions about what it involves, please get in touch. I’m really keen to expand the number and range of businesses we work with to demonstrate to students just how many opportunities there are in the food and farming sector.

What are the benefits to sponsor companies?

– Attract potential new employees from a huge pool of talent

– Gain first access to students who are looking for a placement

– Be seen as a business that cares about upskilling the next generation

– Establish a relationship with a student early in their studies

– Opportunity to appraise student during a ‘year-long interview’

– Financial investment is comparable to advertising in the national farming press and is often tax-deductible

The Pig Industry Scholarship Programme was developed by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), the National Pig Association (NPA) allied industry group, and Harper Adams University in 2012. It is managed by a steering group of industry and university representatives and chaired by the NPA Pig Industry Group vice-chairman, Hugh Crabtree.

The deadline for expressing an interest in becoming a sponsor for the 2023/24 academic year is September 5 2022, and students will be starting their placements next summer.

Get in touch at to find out more about this opportunity or visit for all the details.

Jen Waters is AHDB head of knowledge exchange (Pork)

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