Shropshire Star

Storm Babet: Waters subside in valley where man lost his life in torrent

Water levels have subsided in the south Shropshire countryside where a man lost his life in a brook during Storm Babet.

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The road to Furnace Mill where tree cutting is taking place

Members of the community in Kinlet, between Cleobury Mortimer and Bewdley, are trying to come to terms with the tragedy and say their thoughts are with his family.

The man in his 60s was trapped under water in the torrent running through the densely wooded valley on Friday morning. It is believed he lived in the area.

On Saturday a full scale tree lopping operation was in force in the area close to the Furnace Mill Fishery.

Part of the road is closed off, not because of the flooding but because of damage caused to a bridge by an HGV a few weeks ago.

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