Shropshire Star

'We won't give up' on park insist delighted villagers after homes plans withdrawn

Villagers have said they "won't give up" trying to protect their "special" local park after plans for a houses to be built there were withdrawn.

Last updated
Bayston Hill residents are pleased the plans have been withdrawn

The Bayston Hill community on the outskirts of Shrewsbury was outraged when proposals to build new homes on The Glebelands were submitted in June.

More than 230 comments objecting to the plans were lodged, and a petition was launched to save it for community use amid calls for it to be given village green status.

Following the backlash, Shingler Homes, working as a development partner with landowners the Lichfield Diocese, withdrew the plans from the Shropshire Council planning portal last week.

No reason was given and it is unclear whether fresh plans will be resubmitted in the future.