Shropshire Star

£10,000 grant boost for Shropshire charity with a focus on saving the planet

A Shropshire charity with a focus on saving the planet has been awarded a £10,000 grant.

Richard Watkins, left, and Allan Wilson, from Save our Shropshire

Save Our Shropshire is going to use the money from Telford & Wrekin’s Climate Change Fund to share ideas with consumers about how helping the planet can also save money.

Richard Watkins, from Save Our Shropshire, said: “We will be running workshops in community centres across Telford & Wrekin borough over 2023 to explain simply why we must prevent the planet from overheating and how we can make practical changes to save money.

“Many people are aware of the dangers of overheating our planet by emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere but many find it difficult to make the needed lifestyle changes.

“Saving money could help us change. Take energy; if we all had homes that were powered by sunshine and wind, we could get energy at 10 to 20 per cent of our current cost – that’s around £ 1,500 per year saving for an average household.

“Insulating our homes better would dramatically reduce our winter heating bills.

“Consumers should demand renewable energy and better insulation to save themselves money."

Mr Watkins added: “In terms of travel, we should be switching to electric vehicles as soon as possible. Electric charging could save up to £1,000 per year over petrol and diesel. We will then get more charging points to make it more convenient.”

“Walking and cycling are also good for our health, so why not bike to work? Doing things that are good for our health are also good for the NHS.”