Shropshire Star

Crunch meeting to shape future development in Shropshire town will go ahead this week

A crucial referendum over the future development of a Shropshire town will be going ahead this week, says a council.

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The plan area. Image: Crown Copyright

The Neighbourhood Plan for Broseley is a 57-page document that has been painstakingly put together by the town's council and the local community.

It hasn't had the smoothest of rides towards the referendum on Thursday but the town council is determined that it will go ahead. A spokesman for the council said it is "pulling out all the stops to encourage its residents to vote in a referendum this Thursday".

The referendum is the final stage in the process of creating a Neighbourhood Plan for the town, which started back in 2018 but was delayed due to the covid pandemic. Then, a public meeting due to be held last week had to be cancelled because of the death of the Queen.

Councillor Ian West, Broseley's mayor, said: "We had a public meeting scheduled for last Thursday to remind residents about this important decision.

"Following the sad news of the death of HM Queen Elizabeth, the meeting had to be cancelled but, under electoral law, the referendum will still go ahead and we hope people will still come out and vote."

Neighbourhood Plan's are key part of the planning system and this one will provide legal protection for the town’s green spaces, and specify the number of new homes in the town and their location.

The referendum asks the question: "Do you want Shropshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Broseley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

Polling stations at The Victoria Hall, in High Street; Broseley Church Hall, in Church Street and Birchmeadow Centre, in Birch Meadow Road, will be open from 7am to 10pm.

Copies of the plan are available to view at the town council offices, or at Shirehall in Shrewsbury.

The plan can also be viewed online at