Shropshire Star

Talk on pine martens at Friends of Mortimer Forest annual meeting

Friends of a south Shropshire forest will be holding their group's annual meeting on Wednesday, April 27.

A Pine Marten

With spring having well and truly sprung and as covid restrictions ease, the Friends of Mortimer Forest is planning an increasing series of activities.

The annual meeting at the Methodist Church, Broad Street, Ludlow, next week will give people the chance to be updated on what's going on, including more guided walks as the 1,000 hectare forest bursts into life.

There will also be a chance to find out more about the elusive pine marten.

Speaker, John Birks is set to give a talk on extremely rare pine martens, which have been seen in the Shropshire Hills.

Pine martens prefer woodland habitats, climbing very well and living in tree holes, old squirrel dreys or even old bird nests.

It feeds on small rodents, birds, eggs, insects and fruit, and can even be encouraged to visit birdtables laden with peanuts and raisins.

During the summer mating season, they make shrill, cat-like calls.

Mortimer Forest, on the Shropshire border near Ludlow, was largely planted by the Forestry Commission in the 1920s. It was named after the Mortimer Family, Norman Lords who held power over the region for some 300 years.

Next Wednesday's meeting will start at 7pm.

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