Shropshire Star

A Llandrindod Wells man will have to observe a curfew for eight weeks after being found guilty of assaulting an emergency worker.

A Llandrindod Wells man will have to observe a curfew for eight weeks after being found guilty of assaulting an emergency worker.

A Llandrindod Wells man will have to observe a curfew for eight weeks after being found guilty of assaulting an emergency worker.
A Llandrindod Wells man will have to observe a curfew for eight weeks after being found guilty of assaulting an emergency worker.

William Roche denied assaulting PC85 Nathan Davies at Fiveways, Temple Street restaurant on September 1 2023, when he appeared previously at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates Court.

Magistrates accepted jurisdiction of the case and the 58 year-old of Imperial Buildings, Temple Street elected a trial at the magistrates court.

A trial took place at Merthyr Tydfil Magistrates Court last week and after hearing the evidence, magistrates found Roche guilty of assault.

He will have to observe a curfew and wear an electronic tag from 9pm until 6am and reside at the address he has given the court.

He will also have to pay £650 court costs and a £114 surcharge.

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