Shropshire Star

Bridgnorth church delighted by surprise visit from VIP on motorcycle

Bridgnorth Cartway Methodist Church were surprised and very pleased to receive an unexpected visitor in the Bishop of Hereford, Richard Jackson, who stopped by as part of the Ride+Stride day for Shropshire Historic county churches on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

From left David Hardman, Ruth Cole, Kate Downes, Bishop Richard Jackson, and John Clark. Photo: Cartway Methodist Church

Cartway is one of the few non-conformist churches taking part in Ride+Stride, but over the last few years some of our members have joined in, walking or riding for this annual event.

Our own Cartway team this year were out on the south of the Clee Hill visiting rural C of E churches in the sunshine, and hope to raise £400-£500 from sponsorship. This we feel is an excellent opportunity to get to know rural Anglican church people who man some of these small rural churches on the special day hoping for visitors from other places.

Meanwhile Cartway, our church, was open for other riders and striders with our volunteers setting up refreshments and a welcome for other teams of walkers, cyclists, and car riders.

We were delighted the bishop came to visit us this year.

By Steve Thomas - Contributor