Shropshire Star

GolfSixes might be the most entertaining golf tournament the world has ever seen

Each hole has its own personality!


You remember golf? Well GolfSixes is here to make you question everything you thought you knew about the sport.

The new tournament sees 16 countries, each represented by two players, compete in a group stage and knockout format over two days, and employs greensomes rules, where the teams select their best tee shot and play alternate strokes thereafter.

But that only tells half the story of the world of fun that awaits the golfers and fans.

As you can see, it’s a pretty relaxed event. Here’s how they like to get play under way.

This is no ordinary golf tournament.

The teams play “six holes with six different personalities” according to the tournament website, and they’re not exaggerating.

Hole two for example offers a charity engagement for each birdie – by the close of play on Saturday £4,500 had been raised thanks to nine birdies.

Hole three offers a longest drive competition with a leaderboard, while hole four boasts a 40 second shot clock, with a stroke penalty for anyone who goes over it.

Here’s Paul Peterson of the USA being penalised.

Despite all the new ideas, such as big screens, music and hosts engaging with the crowd, some things never change. England’s pairing of Chris Wood and Andy Sullivan won their group, but were beaten at the quarter-final stage by Italy.

This giant six always seems to be lurking in the background, giving us the thumbs up. Creepy.

(Steven Paston/PA)

The tournament offers a €1 million prize, as well as this giant six.

It’s fair to say the players involved have enjoyed the experience – can you imagine Rory McIlroy doing this at the Open?

And Judy Murray’s a big fan too.

Is GolfSixes the sport’s own version of Twenty20 cricket?

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