Shropshire Star

Russian cargo ship docks with space station

The Progress MS-14 spacecraft docked at 0512 GMT on Saturday, about three-and-a-half hours after blasting off from Kazakhstan.

The Progress MS-14 cargo spacecraft blasts off in Baikonur, Kazakhstan

An unmanned Russian cargo capsule has arrived at the International Space Station with more than two tons of supplies for the three-man crew.

The Progress MS-14 spacecraft docked at 0512 GMT on Saturday, about three-and-a-half hours after blasting off from Russia’s Baikonur launch complex in Kazakhstan.

Russia Space Station
The Progress MS-14 cargo spacecraft blasts off from the launch pad at Russia’s space facility in Baikonur, Kazakhstan (Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service/AP)

The ship was carrying fuel, water, food, medicine and other supplies.

There are three astronauts on board the space station – Russia’s Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, and Chris Cassidy of the United States.

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