Shropshire Star

Donald Trump warns North Korea of ‘pretty severe’ response to missile tests

Mr Trump spoke as South Korean jets and navy ships fired guided missiles in a display of military power.

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A South Korean warship. (AP)

Donald Trump has warned North Korea he is considering “some pretty severe things” in response to the isolated nation’s unprecedented launch of a missile capable of reaching the US.

The US president called on all nations to confront Pyongyang’s “very, very bad behaviour”.

“It’s a shame that they’re behaving this way,” he said of North Korea’s leaders. “But they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner, and something will have to be done about it.”

US president Donald Trump (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)
Mr Trump called on all nations to condemn North Korea’s actions (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

The US has been considering a range of possible sanctions, economic measures and other steps in response to Pyongyang.

The test of an ICBM marked a major technological advancement for North Korea that American officials have described as intensifying the threat against the US by bringing the North closer to being able to mount a nuclear warhead on a missile that could hit American soil.

Meanwhile, South Korean jets and navy ships have fired a barrage of guided missiles into the ocean during drills in a display of military power two days after North Korea’s launch.

A South Korean missile is fired as part of a drill. (AP)
A South Korean missile is fired as part of a drill. (AP)

The North’s ICBM launch, its most successful missile test to date, has stoked security concerns in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo as it showed the country could eventually perfect a reliable nuclear missile capable of reaching anywhere in the United States.

Analysts said the missile tested on Tuesday could reach Alaska if launched at a normal trajectory.

The live-fire drills off South Korea’s east coast were previously scheduled. In a show of force, South Korea and the United States also staged “deep strike” precision missile firing drills on Wednesday as a warning to the North.

A South Korean warship. (AP)
A South Korean warship. (AP)

Thursday’s drills were aimed at boosting readiness against possible maritime North Korean aggression. They involved 15 warships including a 3,200-ton-class destroyer, as well as helicopters and fighter jets, South Korea’s navy said in a statement.

“Our military is maintaining the highest-level of readiness to make a swift response even if a war breaks out today,” said Rear Admiral Kwon Jeong Seob, who directed the drills, according to the statement.

After the ICBM launch, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he would never put his weapons programmes up for negotiation unless the United States abandoned its hostile policy toward the North.

The border between North and South Korea. (AP)
The border between North and South Korea. (AP)

Kim’s statement suggested he will order more missile and nuclear tests until his country develops a functioning ICBM that can place the entire US within its striking distance.

In a UN Security Council session on Wednesday, US Ambassador Nikki Haley said the launch “is a clear and sharp military escalation” and America is prepared to use its “considerable military forces” to defend itself and its allies “if we must”.

She said the US administration prefers “not to go in that direction”, but to use its “great capabilities in the area of trade” to address “those who threaten us and … those who supply the threats”.

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