Shropshire Star

Fat rat stuck in manhole cover saved by team of German firefighters

A crew of almost a dozen firefighters attended the rescue operation.

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The rat was rescued after being trapped in the manhole cover. (Berufstierrettung Rhein Neckar)

A fat rat which got stuck in a manhole cover has been saved by firefighters in Germany.

The fire service was notified after the female rat was spotted trapped in the entrance to a sewer in the town of Bensheim, and they quickly enlisted the help of the local animal rescue team from Rhein Neckar.

Video shared on social media by the animal rescue team shows almost a dozen firefighters joining the professional in helping get the rotund rodent free.

According to the rescuers the rat had gained weight during the winter and this had caused its predicament, with the grate catching on her wide hips.

The rat escaped safely back down the sewer after being rescued (Berufstierrettung Rhein Neckar)
The rat escaped safely back down the sewer after being rescued (Berufstierrettung Rhein Neckar)

Rescuer Andreas Steinbach told Sky News that, once she was free, the rat “looked back as if to say ‘thanks, and yes, I need to go on a diet!'”

The rat escaped unharmed, running straight back into the sewer.

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