Shropshire Star

Jailed terrorist handed life sentence for attempted murder of prison guard

Brusthom Ziamani was found guilty of attempted murder by an Old Bailey jury.

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Brusthom Ziamani must serve a minimum of 21 years

A jailed terrorist has been handed a life sentence after trying to murder a prison guard in a jihadist attack behind bars.

Brusthom Ziamani, 25, is five years into a 19-year sentence for a 2014 plot to behead a soldier inspired by the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby.

He and fellow Muslim convert Baz Hockton, 26, who was radicalised in jail, launched a terror attack at maximum security HMP Whitemoor in Cambridgeshire on January 9.

Prison officer Neil Trundle was left covered in blood after he was targeted by the pair armed with makeshift bladed weapons and wearing fake suicide belts as they shouted: “Allahu Akbar”.

Nurse Jayle Cowles and prison officer Georgina Ibbotson were also hurt as they tried to intervene.

Ziamani admitted assaulting the two women and he and Hockton were both found guilty of attempted murder by an Old Bailey jury on Wednesday.

Baz Hockton
Baz Hockton was radicalised in prison (Metropolitan Police)

Ziamani would have been eligible for parole in 2027 but the judge, Mrs Justice May, handed him a life sentence on Thursday and said he must serve at least 21 years.

She said: “It is quite plain to me that the defendants must have been planning this terrorist operation for some time, preparing fake suicide belts and multiple weapons for the purpose.

“It is no accident the January 9 attack came just weeks after the London Bridge attack in November 2019.”

Former Whitemoor inmate Usman Khan killed Cambridge University graduates Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, in a terror attack at Fishmongers’ Hall.

The judge added: “These defendants, inside prison, didn’t have ready access to weapons or explosives but did their utmost to plan and execute a terrorist attack with what they could get their hands upon in prison.”

Ziamani, with a shaved head and beard, showed no emotion but clasped his hands together as he left the dock flanked by five dock officers.

Hockton will be sentenced later on Thursday.

The terror attack is believed to be the first of its kind inside a UK jail, although a homemade IRA bomb was exploded inside Crumlin Road Prison in Belfast in 1991.

Ziamani, originally from Camberwell, south London, was jailed in 2015 after he was caught with a hammer and knife on his way to behead a soldier.

Brusthom Ziamani
Brusthom Ziamani claimed he was trying to get transferred to another prison (Metropolitan Police)

The court had heard how Ziamani and Hockton – who previously attacked another prisoner in Swaleside prison, on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent – lured “kind and helpful” Mr Trundle to a store cupboard on the pretext of asking for a spoon.

They then set upon the officer, targeting his vulnerable head, upper chest and neck areas while shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

Ziamani punched Ms Cowles and Ms Ibbotson before opening his jacket to expose a fake suicide belt as he said: “I’ve got a bomb.”

Hockton was captured on CCTV footage charging at another officer before both inmates were restrained.

CCTV of the aftermath of the attack by Brusthom Ziamani and Baz Hockton on prison Guard Neil Trundle
CCTV of the aftermath of the attack by Brusthom Ziamani and Baz Hockton on prison Guard Neil Trundle (Metropolitan Police)

An examination of the fake suicide belts revealed one had been constructed with a battery and pressurised can and the other was made from boxer short elastic, electrical cable and plastic bottles.

The court heard the attack on Mr Trundle lasted 24 seconds and the judge said: “The violence against him was short-lived but it was strikingly and shockingly ferocious while it continued.”

Mr Trundle, who has worked at Whitemoor for more than 17 years, suffered cuts to his scalp, arm and shoulder.

He said: “Before I knew it I was on the floor on my back.

“I did not see any weapons. I could feel blows coming down on me.

“I did not realise how bad the damage was to myself until I went to the hospital and looked in the mirror.”

Speaking after the verdicts, he added: “I thank those colleagues of mine who risked their lives coming to my aid on that terrible day.

“If it was not for their bravery and instant response, I am convinced I would not be here today.”

Giving evidence, Ziamani denied the attack was terror related. He said he wanted to inflict some damage to get sent to a different prison because Whitemoor had become hostile to Muslims after the Fishmongers’ Hall terror attack.

Hockton, originally from Dagenham, did not give evidence. He admitted wounding with intent but denied the more serious charge of attempted murder.

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