Shropshire Star

Switzerland above threshold for triggering UK quarantine rules

The Czech Republic and Greece remain below, but their rates are rising.

Passengers in the arrivals hall at Heathrow

Switzerland could become the next European country to be subject to quarantine measures by all four nations of the UK, according to latest figures.

A seven-day rate of 20 Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people is the threshold above which the UK Government considers triggering quarantine conditions.

Switzerland is currently recording a seven-day rate of 20.7 cases per 100,000.

Scotland has already taken Switzerland off its list of countries from which people do not need to self-isolate on arrival.

The rest of the UK could follow later this week.

The Czech Republic and Greece are also likely to have their Covid-19 figures scrutinised closely by the UK Government this week.

HEALTH Coronavirus Europe
(PA graphic)

In the Czech Republic the seven-day rate is currently 17.9, up from 15.6 a week ago.

In Greece the rate is 14.8, up from 13.5.

Neither country has breached the threshold of 20 cases per 100,000, but both appear to be heading in that direction.

The latest seven-day rates have been calculated by the PA news agency based on data collected by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Iceland is currently reporting the same seven-day rate as Greece – 14.8 – but while in Greece there have been 1,589 new cases recorded in the past week, in Iceland there have been only 53.

The rate in Iceland is also unchanged on last week.

These factors should keep Iceland on the list of countries from which people do not need to self-isolate on arrival in the UK.

Meanwhile in Ireland, the seven-day rate has ticked upwards from 11.4 to 14.9 – the highest it has been since late May.

By contrast the seven-day rate in the UK is currently 10.7.

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