Shropshire Star

I feel better already! Charles receives spiritual blessing by didgeridoo master

World-renowned didgeridoo master Djalu Gurriwiwi performed the 30-second blessing on the prince.

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The Prince of Wales takes part in a didgeridoo demonstration during a visit to the Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre in Yirrkala, in Australia’s Northern Territory (Phil Noble/PA)

The Prince of Wales declared he felt “better already” after being given a spiritual blessing by the world didgeridoo master in Australia.

World-renowned didgeridoo master Djalu Gurriwiwi performed the 30-second blessing, after which Charles smiled and said: “I feel better already!”

(Phil Noble/PA)
(Phil Noble/PA)
(Phil Noble/PA)
(Phil Noble/PA)

“Shall we see who it is?,” he joked.

(Phil Noble/PA)
(Phil Noble/PA)

Stepping off the plane he was handed a woomera – a traditional spear-throwing device – as he was greeted by aboriginal leader Galarrwuy Yunupingu.

He went on to take part in a colourful welcome ceremony where he was presented with a feather-stringed headdress, called a Malka String, and a string basket known as a Bathi.

Charles remarked how it was the furthest north he had travelled in Australia before joining a procession and watching the singing and dancing of the Rirratjingu people atop sacred Nhulun Hill.

His visit to Gove came on the penultimate day of his week-long tour of Australia.

He is now due to head to Darwin, before flying home on Tuesday.

Charles has privately donated thousands of dollars to Australia’s Royal Flying Doctors to fund vital life-saving equipment in some of the country’s most remote communities.

The service provides medical chests to people living in isolated areas, stocked with treatments including antibiotics for infections as well as pain relief.

Defibrillators, which can be used when a person goes into cardiac arrest, were one of the only pieces of equipment they lacked.

It is understood the prince has provided enough to buy “several” defibrillators for medical chests across Australia.

Charles, who is patron of the Friends of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in the UK, visited the Darwin tourist centre of the Royal Flying Doctors, which showcases the history of the service, on Monday evening.

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