Shropshire Star

Broseley Council proposes to form neighbourhood plan

A town could prepare its own neighbourhood plan, if it is given the green light by Shropshire Council.

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A decision will be made by Shropshire Council's cabinet at Shirehall

Broseley Town Council has applied to Shropshire Council to make the plan, and a consultation was carried out over the summer.

Just two responses were received to the consultation, neither of which objected to the proposal, according to a report set to go to cabinet.

The report states: "It is Shropshire Council’s role to decide if the Broseley Parish area is an appropriate area for the purposes of preparing the proposed neighbourhood plan.

"This consideration should take account of any views expressed through the consultation process as well as information from the town council."

Council officer Gemma Davies, head of economic growth, recommended that the authority agrees that the Broseley area is an appropriate basis for the development of a neighbourhood plan.

If the recommendation is approved, then Broseley Town Council will be able to prepare a neighbourhood plan for that area, which will be subject to public consultation, examination and local referendum.

If the subsequent local referendum is successful, Shropshire Council’s full council will then be asked to adopt the final version of the neighbourhood plan.

Broseley Town Council has assembled a number of volunteers to act as a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to help the plan’s preparation.

Shropshire Council's ongoing local plan review will have to be considered through the neighbourhood plan's preparation.

The council’s 'preferred scale and distribution of growth' proposed Broseley would continue to act as a ‘key centre’ and accommodate about 250 dwellings and three hectares of employment land between 2016 and 2036.

Subject to cabinet agreement, the council will be publishing preferred site allocations for a number of settlements, including Broseley, in October 2018 for further consultation.

The report adds: "It is therefore particularly important that discussions between Shropshire Council and representatives from Broseley’s Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the parish council continue to ensure the aspirations of the neighbourhood plan are in conformity with the emerging local plan review."

Shropshire Council's cabinet will consider the proposal at its meeting on Monday.