Shropshire Star

Vision for future of Oswestry town centre to be revealed

A market town looks set to get an overhaul in the next two years, with even bigger ideas for the long term.


A vision of the short-term future for Oswestry town centre will be unveiled on Wednesday with one of those behind plans promising exciting times ahead.

A special Townscape and Transport Group has been created, made of civic and organisation leaders.

They have commissioned a study of how the town could be improved to attract more visitors.

The report has until now been kept under wraps but Oswestry Town Council’s development and planning committee will hear the latest progress at a meeting on Wednesday.

The committee will hear from civil engineer, David Ward, who is an experienced civil engineer and has offered his services to the townscape and transport group.

He will give a progress report on the proposals. It is thought that the report has looked at changes to the traffic layout in the town centre.

But group chairman, Councillor Chris Schofield, said that first it wanted to concentrate on the ‘townscape’ to improve the look of Oswestry.

He said: “There are a number of quick fixes that really will improve Oswestry and we believe help the footfall in the town. I believe that this is a really exciting time of Oswestry.”

Mr Ward will also talk about Oswestry Civic Society’s 2050 report, unveiled earlier this year.

It looks ahead 30 years when, the civic society says, the population could have grown by around 10,000. It suggests creating an eco-friendly village to the north of Oswestry, based on Park Hall. The neighbouring hill fort would become a country park.