Shropshire Star

£50,000 to restore church in Shropshire village

An appeal to repair and renovate a village church in Shropshire needs to raise another £50,000.


Brian Turner, church warden at St Mary's Church in Knockin, said so far the appeal has raised more than £4,000 thanks to kind donations but more than £50,000 is needed on work outside the church alone, which is without the funding required to modernise facilities inside the church.

Mr Turner said the church's stonework is crumbling, and repointing is also necessary on the exterior. Work is also needed on the electrics inside the church, as well as connecting a water supply.

He said: "There is certain work that needs doing such as the work on the church exterior, and we've had quotations of about £50,000 for that. A certain amount of work also needs doing with the electrics in the church but we're unsure what that will cost until we investigate further.

"Like a lot of older churches, the church hasn't got a water supply, so it would be nice to have one, so we could have a toilet and a sink. At the moment when we serve tea and coffee here, we're having to carry water here, so we would like to bring the facilities up to date here but that depends on how much money we are able to raise."

Mr Turner said so far everyone involved in the church had been heartened by the "encouraging response" the appeal has received so far.

"We have been very touched by the support of the many people who wish to help restore St Mary's and their kind donations are very much appreciated," he said.

In order to help the appeal along a fundraising concert at the church is taking place later this month, as well as other events planned and Mr Turner said applying for grant funding such as the Heritage Lottery Fund is also being explored.

According to Mr Turner, the church, which was built in 1195, has had plenty of restoration done to it including a "significant amount" during the 1800s.

He added: "If we don't manage to raise enough money to do everything then we are going to have to prioritise but to be honest, we are small-fry compared to some churches who need to raise millions of pounds. So far the response has been positive so we'll see."

The fundraising concert at the church will be held on Saturday, April 23, at 7pm.

The Orthopaedic Hospital Male Voice Choir will provide music on the theme of St George's Day.

Tickets cost £7.50, to include a glass of wine and refreshments and can be obtained from church members or from The Knockin Shop.

For further information contact Mr Turner on 01691 682339 or email

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