Shropshire Star

Police and Crime Commissioner to take over Shropshire youth offending service

Shropshire's youth offending service will be transferred to the Police & Crime Commissioner.


Local authorities in Worcestershire, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Herefordshire have all approved the plans, which are the first of their kind in the UK.

In 2012 the local authorities merged two separate Youth Offending Services (YOS) into a single West Mercia service, which officials say has saved considerable amounts of public money.

This latest step builds on that collaborative approach, by giving the new, larger service a permanent 'home'.

West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner Bill Longmore said: "We have already seen a good collaborative approach to youth offending in recent years, but this direct input from the Police & Crime Commissioner is another very positive step for everyone.

"The councils will achieve better efficiency, the YOS and its staff will have more stability, and the public will see even better results around youth offending".

Councillor Paul Watling, Telford and Wrekin Council's cabinet member for children, young people and families, said: "Since 2012 we have set about providing a more effective YOS and we're seeing improvements in performance such as a significant reduction in first time entrants to the criminal justice system by bringing services together across the West Mercia area.

"Putting the Police & Crime Commissioner at the heart of the new arrangement can help us to build on this progress and make further improvements for young people who use the service."

The YOS will continue to be funded by a combination of a central government grant and the local authorities.

The local authorities will still ultimately have legal responsibility to make sure the service is delivered, and they will retain the same level of control they have had up to now. Other areas have already expressed interest in the model and are looking into copying it.

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