Shropshire Star

Telford pensioner on disability scooter assaulted shopping centre staff

A pensioner riding a disability scooter hit a marketing manager and a security guard at Telford Shopping Centre in a row over a letter.


Richard Gordon Geldard hit Tracy Hadley before also punching Steve Winwood and running over his ankle at Telford Shopping Centre, Telford Magistrates Court heard.

The altercation happened when Ms Hadley, the centre's marketing and events manager, tried to hand Geldard a letter as he went through the centre.

The 72-year-old threw the letter on the floor and started to drive away from Ms Hadley on his mobility scooter, the court heard.

Ms Hadley then followed, which is when he hit her. Geldard denied hitting Ms Hadley, and said he only pushed her.

Security guard Mr Winwood was then hit by Geldard, before the defendant then ran over Mr Winwood's ankle causing cuts and scrapes. The court was shown a picture of the injuries.

Geldard had denied two counts of assault by beating in relation to the events of September 20 last year at a hearing in November. He was found guilty of the assault of Mr Winwood on Monday and of the assault of Tracey Hadley yesterday following a trial by magistrates.

Geldard of Wildwood in Woodside, was given a three-year conditional discharge.

He was also ordered to pay a total of £440 in court fees, which included Ms Hadley receiving £75 and Mr Winwood £150.

Mrs Linda Baker-Oliver, chairman of the bench, said: "Tracy Hadley was attempting to give Geldard a letter and he threw the letter back on the floor.

"He then made contact with Ms Hadley who then followed him – she did not chase Geldard.

"We find Geldard hit Tracey Hadley and we find the defendant guilty on both charges of assault by beating."

Speaking in court after hearing the verdict Mr Geldard, who appeared on his mobility scooter, claimed he had been banned from Telford town centre and does not go there.

He said: "I have been banned from the town centre and cannot approach the town centre.

"I do what I am asked, and these people can make their statements but I did not hurt anyone.

"If I wanted to hurt someone I am sure I would be able to, but I didn't hurt them."

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