Shropshire Star

Thousands raised in bid to bring Telford boy, 11, home from hospital

More than £4,000 has been raised in a just a day in aid of a Telford schoolboy suffering from brain and spine cancer.


Matthew Cooper, 11, was left paralysed after suffering strokes during following issues with blood pressure after major surgery at Birmingham Children's Hospital in August.

Cancerous tumours had been discovered on his brain and spine when he was taken to the hospital after falling ill suddenly last summer, where he has remained ever since.

More than £4,400 was raised online over the weekend in an appeal for adaptations to his home in Trench, as he cannot leave hospital until it is suitable for his needs. They include donations from more than 230 people, including one anonymous donation of £1,000.

Meanwhile Telford & Wrekin Council has offered £30,000 towards any renovation work, while pupils at Matthew's school, Wrockwardine Wood Junior School, have raised £2,000 through fundraising activities.

Several offers have also been made by DIY professionals to carry out some of the work for free, while people have offered to paint and decorate.

Julie Henry, Matthew's headteacher at Wrockwardine Wood Junior School said: "It is a terrible thing to have happened, but you can really see the good in humanity with this help."

Last summer Matthew was taken in an ambulance to Birmingham Children's Hospital after going to the doctors feeling extremely tired, where he was diagnosed with cancerous tumours on his brain and spine.

Mrs Henry said: "Matthew is having radiotherapy at the moment and has a tracheotomy so he can't speak and communicates with his fingers.

"He has very little movement, but makes progress every day. Tiny little steps of improvement, but he can't come home yet as the house isn't stable."

Matthew is an only child to Leigh and Sue Cooper, who had struggled to have a child and had considered IVF before Matthew was born.

Mrs Henry said: "I've been a few times to hospital and mum and dad are so bright and cheery but really their hearts are breaking."

Matthew will need his bedroom moved downstairs and a wet room, and Mrs Henry has said it would be lovely if something could be made in the garden so he could get outdoors.

Mrs Henry said the school and community decided to act after a bid for help from the BBC's DIY SOS was turned down.

An appeal page has been set up on Facebook called "Making a difference for Matthew" and his Go Fund Me page can be found under the name "Bring Matt home fund".

By Jordan Reynolds

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