Shropshire Star

Plans for 37 homes in Wem are thrown out

Controversial plans to create up to 37 homes in Wem have been thrown out by planning bosses.


AFM Farming LLP had its application to create the homes on land at the junction with Church Lane and Soulton Road turned down by Shropshire Council.

The proposed scheme involved creating a mix of three to four-bedroom homes on the site, including three which would have been classed as affordable.

But Shropshire Council, which used delegated powers to turn down the scheme, said it would not be sustainable and raised concerns about the location.

The council received more than 15 letters of objection from residents who raised concerns about potential flooding and the extra strain it would put on the town's notorious level crossing.

Wem Rural Parish Council and Wem Civic Society also objected to the proposal.

Shelagh Richardson, on behalf of the civic society, said: "This land is designated as 'open countryside'. There would be major detrimental visual impact on the area.

Development was agreed on the north west and south west sides of Wem but not in this area. One of the main reasons for this was to limit any increase in traffic across a congested, dangerous and increasingly problem-ridden junction."

A report on behalf of Shropshire Council said: "The proposed development is considered to represent unsustainable development.

"It will have a significant detrimental impact on the rural character of the location on the edge of the built-up area, to which residential development of this nature is not typical of the immediate surrounding area. The site is not an allocated site for residential development."

A statement on behalf of AFM Farming LLP said: "The proposed development site is highly accessible to services and facilities, including employment opportunities, and is well served by sustainable modes of transport. As such it represents a sustainably located site.

"The social and economic benefits of the proposed development therefore weigh heavily in favour of the scheme."

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