Shropshire Star

Community victory as Lawley Village clean-up gets under way

A clean-up operation is under way at a square in Telford after a petition was launched to tidy it up.


Lucy Allan, Telford MP, backed the petition to clean up Lawley village square, set up by resident Jennifer Richards after it was left fenced off for more than six months while maintenance work was carried out.

Now Henry Davidson Developments are carrying out the clean-up operation.

Ms Allan said: "I have been in contact with the developer, who explained that there had been ongoing discussions with the council which have now been resolved.

"I am grateful to the director of Henry Davidson Developments, Richard Croft, for telling me what action is being taken. This situation has gone on too long. People deserve to be proud of where they live, and the fact that residents of the area have to pay a £250 community charge for maintenance makes the delays worse.

"The community really made their voice heard on this and I'm glad the parties involved have come together to solve this issue.

"I will be keeping an eye on this with the help of the our local councillors to ensure the work gets done."

In a letter to Ms Allan, Mr Croft said: "Discussions have been ongoing with the council for some time regarding the scope of the remedial works required to the square and I am pleased to say that these have now been agreed.

"The work on site commenced yesterday and is due to complete in the next few days. On completion the temporary fencing will be removed.

"There are also some further works required to the highway directly adjacent to the public square which have also now been agreed with the council.

"Due to the nature of the works they will be undertaken on a phased basis over the next few weeks to minimise disruption.

"We will ensure that the contractors liaise closely with local retailers and are also proposing a letter drop to keep local residents informed of the programme."

When the petition was launched, shop workers in the area hit out at the state of the square.

James Palmer, manager at the Subway branch, said: "It is quite a new area. The maintenance they are doing should have been done when they built it. This is affecting us and it is putting people off the area."

Mary Charlton, 75, of Lawley Bank Court, said: "I am disgusted. It is such a tragedy because it is such a lovely little square. It is also terrible for disabled people and for the mums with their prams because it's hard to get through the walkway if someone is coming through the other way."

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