Shropshire Star

Affair pair plotted to steal thousands from Telford company

A couple who were having an affair hatched a plan to steal thousands of pounds from the woman's Telford employers, a court heard.

Shrewsbury Crown Court

Toni Reynolds claimed she had been robbed while she had £6,471 in her handbag belonging to Eden Horticulture, a hydroponics manufacturing company based in Halesfield, Telford, where she was operations manager.

But when CCTV failed to show any evidence of an attack Reynolds became a suspect.

It later emerged that she and her partner Mathew Hawkins had come up with the plan to take the money after mobile phone records placed him near the scene.

The couple had known each other since childhood and had started an affair after rekindling their friendship, Shrewsbury Crown Court was told.

Reynolds, 32, of Lilleshall Close, Redditch, Worcestershire, and Hawkins, 34, of Felton Close, Redditch, had both admitted charges of theft at a previous hearing. They were handed suspended prison sentences at court yesterday.

Mr Rob Edwards, prosecuting, told the court that the pair had decided between the two of them to take the money from the company Reynolds worked for.

"Reynolds was employed by the company in sales and accounts that involved cash handling," he said.

"On August 8 2014 her employer saw her come over to his building and handed him a large amount of money. He didn't understand why she had but he handed her some more money which she put into her bag. She then went out.

"But 10 minutes later she came back and appeared to be crying. Her bag was now missing and she told him that she had been robbed. He immediately called the police. She explained that she had been pushed in to a bush by a man."

But there was no evidence of this on CCTV and she became a suspect. Mr Edwards explained that Hawkins was placed at the scene by mobile phone records and text messages between the two of them showed they intended to commit the crime.

Mr Stephen Cadwaladr, for Reynolds, said that the couple, who had known each other since childhood, had started an affair after re-igniting their friendship.

He said that Reynolds had been suffering from problems in her marriage and was drinking heavily.

"She is racked with remorse and she does not seek to apportion blame to others," he said. "She has lost her job as a result of her actions."

Ms Amanda Tomkins, for Hawkins, said that he had become depressed following the death of his mother and aunt which meant he had to bring up his three siblings from a young age. The responsibilities of this caused him to make some bad choices, she said."

"But since this offence he has turned his life around," she said. "He is extremely remorseful for his actions. He has been extremely open and honest about his level of involvement in this offence."

Recorder Mr Nigel Daly said: "The two of you stole £6,471 from Reynolds' employers. I can not differentiate between the two of you. This was a planned offence that you both involved yourselves in."

Reynolds and Hawkins were sentenced to eight months imprisonment suspended for 12 months. They were each ordered to complete a supervision requirement for 12 months and Hawkins was ordered to pay £2,400 compensation.

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