Shropshire Star

Letter: Rallying support to defy development

Telford & Wrekin Council Planning Committee made a brave decision in December 2014 in supporting the planning officers recommendation to reject Gladman's application to build 110 dwellings on land off Muxton Lane.


Subsequently, Gladman lodged an appeal with the planning inspectorate which, it is understood, is due to be heard in September 2015. In the meantime, Gladman has submitted a new planning application for the site which reduces the number of houses to 78, with more land left for a "nature reserve".

The thrust of Gladman's application is that Telford & Wrekin Council does not have a valid five-year housing land supply policy. However, this policy was supported by the planning inspectorate on June 22 when the appeal against refusal to build 60 houses at Tibberton was dismissed.

The inspector ruled that "in my judgement the council has presented a cogent argument that it can currently demonstrate a five- year housing land supply."

In fact, the total number of planning applications approved or actually in progress equates to 8.5 years supply.

It is to be hoped that the planning committee demonstrates the same courage in the face of this developer when the new application is heard.

I would urge everyone concerned over the wanton destruction of Telford's green open spaces to register their feelings on the planning portal on T&WC website before the closing date of July 16. The planning reference is TWC/2015/0556. As this is a new application, we must make a new entry.

J W Simmons, Muxton

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