Shropshire Star

Oswestry could become a Bid town

Oswestry town centre could benefit from £900,000 of funding if it becomes a Business Improvement District.


The idea, which was discussed by Oswestry Town Council earlier this week, would mean a slight increase in rates paid by each business in the area.

But the money raised could then bring in matched funding for projects to improve the town centre and bring in more visitors.

Oswestry Town Council has been looking at ways of helping to boost the economy of the town and received a report by clerk, Mr David Preston, on the initiative on Monday.

There are 200 Business Improvement District (BID) towns and cities across the UK, including Shrewsbury.

Businesses in the districts are charged a extra levy on top of their business rates bill. This levy is then used to develop projects which would benefit businesses in the local area.

Mr Preston said that the establishment of the BID was voluntary and depended on a ballot in favour of setting one up.

"It could provide opportunities for bringing together a group that has a unique chance to help the businesses of the town and also act as a consultee for the town and Shropshire Council to go to," he said.

"The money raised by the levy, which could up up to £900,000, could then be used to generate outside funding for the benefit of Oswestry."

Oswestry mayor, Councillor Peter Cherrington, said: "As a council we are very interested in the concept and have agreed to talk the matter over with Oswestry Chamber of Commerce.

"It is a decision that can only be taken by the business community. It could present many opportunities for new funding and to promote Oswestry in terms of its local economy and as a visitor attraction."

Of the more than 200 Business Improvement Districts in England, almost half are in their second or third term.

Shrewsbury's Business Improvement District has already brought in a series of initiatives including £1 parking on Sunday.

More than three quarters of businesses voted 'yes' for the BID and as a result £1.6 million will be invested to improve the town's commercial environment for over 500 businesses.

Kirsten Henly, Shrewsbury BID Manager, said: "Our mission is to make the town a better place to do business, visit, work and spend time in. The projects presented in our business plan reflect the priorities of businesses and offer a way of delivering sustainable activity to promote and improve the town, in a cost effective way for the benefit of all who use and work in Shrewsbury.

"Shrewsbury is a special place with so much to offer all ages and tastes and we are keen to promote its attractions. We are confident the £1 Sunday parking deal will prove another great reason to spend time here and add to the weekend buzz."

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