Shropshire Star

Addict caught with heroin twice in a month in Shrewsbury town centre

A drug addict was caught twice within a month in possession of heroin in Shrewsbury town centre, a court heard.


Lee Price, 31, had hidden drugs inside his underwear and had tried to swallow another package when stopped in a car by police.

At Shrewsbury Crown Court Price was placed on a 12 month community order and must complete a drug rehabilitation programme.

Price had initially denied two charges of having drugs with intent to supply, but his guilty pleas to possession of heroin were accepted by the prosecution.

The court heard that Price, of Willowfield, Woodside, Telford, had a long history of addiction and possession of drugs and had been using heroin up to five times a day.

Judge Peter Barrie said that Price was being given an opportunity to turn his life around and quit drugs, get work and stable accommodation.

Miss Amy Jacobs, prosecuting, said that Price was seen by police on a car park at Abbey Foregate in Shrewsbury on January 27 last year.

When searched officers recovered small quantities of heroin wrapped in Clingfilm hidden inside his underpants.

Miss Jacobs said Price was released on bail but a month later he was a front seat passenger in car in Chester Street and was seen to put his hand to his mouth trying to swallow the drugs.

As the defendant was taken out of the car he spat a package out of his mouth onto the ground which contained the heroin.

Miss Emma Lineton, for Price, said her client's record of shoplifting and drug possession was all related to his addiction, but he was now making efforts to address the problem and had distances himself from his former associates.

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