Shropshire Star

Vandal attacks on Shropshire teenager's car believed to be racially motivated

A teenager's car has been vandalised in what his father claims could be a racially motivated crime.


Joseph McFarlane woke up to find his black VW Polo had been covered in spray paint during the night, only a week after someone smashed one of the wing mirrors.

The 18-year-old's father, Alec said he cannot understand why someone would do this as his son does not have enemies or ever had a fight.

He believes it could be a racially motivated crime. "The car was first vandalised last week, and then we woke up on Thursday by one of the neighbours to say someone had spray painted the car.

"He's a good kid, he's never got in a fight, or upset anyone so I don't understand why someone would do this.

"I believe it is a racial crime and it's just upsetting us as he's only 18," he said.

"The first time this happened they bent the wing mirror back and at first Joseph thought I had done it but when we looked closer it had been smashed.

"And now the car has been covered in black spray paint. These people need to be caught as it's not fair."

Joseph, who lives in Wellington and studies business, economics and psychology at New College, said: "It makes me more angry than anything, I have never had anything like this happen to me since I got the car over a year ago.

"I do think this could have been a racial attack as this isn't the first time I have experienced something like this.

"It makes me angry and frustrated more than upset because it's also a worry for my parents, it could have been either one of the their cars.

"I just hope they are caught as I do not understand why someone would want to do this."

The first attack happened on Thursday, March 26 and only a week later on April 02 the family woke up to find further damage to the car.

Abbey Hartley, spokeswoman for West Mercia Police, said: "A vehicle was vandalised on Burnell Road. The damage happened between 10.30pm and 10.45am. Offenders used spray paint to vandalise the vehicle."

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