Shropshire Star

Faster net link 'vital to care for elderly' in Shropshire, says councillor

Faster internet speed is crucial to care for the growing number of elderly people in rural areas, a councillor said today.


Charlotte Barnes, Shropshire councillor for Bishop's Castle, has called for urgent investment to bring internet speeds up to standard across the county.

She said care organisations relied on technology to look after an ageing population in rural areas and urged Connecting Shropshire, a partnership between Shropshire Council and BT, to prioritise areas with a high proportion of elderly residents.

Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council cabinet member with responsibility for broadband, said investing in high-speed broadband was already a priority across the county.

But Councillor Barnes said future investment must focus on the elderly.

She said: "We have a much higher proportion of older residents in our market towns and country areas. Not only market towns like Much Wenlock but huge swathes of rural areas like Corvedale and Brown Clee have significant numbers of elderly residents who need care in some shape or form.

"The problem is that the cost of this care is comparatively high and many care organisations are seeking to employ technology to help keep people safe in their homes. These include a whole range of devices including sensor alarms, monitors and even face to face communication."

She said Shropshire Council's own social services department was currently considering introducing a number of such systems including a monitoring system for those with mild dementia.

"Coming against a background of cuts by the council in adult social care and the general difficulty in providing care in areas like ours, technology like this is a godsend.

"But, and its a big but, much of it relies on superfast broadband to work properly and that it what huge swathes of Shropshire still has not got.

"I'm therefore calling on Connecting Shropshire to seriously prioritise areas that have a high proportion of elderly residents when it comes to spending the extra £5 million given to the county by the Government recently to expand superfast broadband."

Councillor Charmley said: "Councillor Barnes is part of the Shropshire Broadband Partnership who help to plan for the funding and delivery of this vital strategic project so, if she has concerns or ideas, she could raise them during the Partnership's meetings."

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