Shropshire Star

Passengers to be quizzed on new Arriva Trains Wales timetable

Minutes matter to Arriva Trains Wales which is set to quiz passengers on a new timetable – including moving one train's departure forward by a minute.


The May 2015 timetable includes what the company says are "important changes", with the 5.32am Shrewsbury to Crewe service now planned to leave a minute earlier to ensure it connects with the 6.27am Crewe to Manchester service.

Other changes include "enhanced" week day and weekend services on the Cambrain line, with four additional Aberystwyth to Shrewsbury return journeys daily.

The threatened 07:00 Shrewsbury to Wrexham Service has been saved, and the 07.47 Wrexham General to Birmingham International Service is also included in the May 2015 timetable.

There will also be additional week day services on the Heart of Wales line.

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