Shropshire Star

It's all smiles for exotic visitors at Shropshire care home

Residents at a care home in Shropshire had unusual visitors - animals from a zoo.


All 54 residents at Cartlidge House were given the chance to hold a lizard, snake and armadillo, as well as meeting a meerkat.

Exotic Zoo, who are based in Donnington Wood, Telford was used as a type of therapy to help people who suffer from dementia.

Residents at the scheme are no stranger to this type of therapy and often receive visits from a family dog and even a horse.

Sophie Meredith, lifestyle co-ordinator at the Accord Group, said: "This type of therapy has an amazing impact on our customers with many of them meeting animals and reptiles they have never encountered before.

"The different textures and sounds the animals and reptiles make work like sensory therapy for residents and we have seen residents who have never talked before, communicating for the first time in a long time."

The Telford home is run by the Accord Group housing association, who operate the Eden Alternative scheme, which encourages animals to be brought into the home as it is a proven method of reducing stress with those with dementia.

Scott Adams, from Exotic Zoo said these type of therapy sessions are very important as they help not only people suffering from dementia but people with learning difficulties as well as making staff smile.

"The home was lovely, we had people from the dementia ward take part as well as adults who suffer with learning difficulties, and even some children were there to enjoy the animals.

"The meerkats were the biggest hit as a lot of the residents and staff have seen them TV, and I also think some of the residents wanted them to stay they. As well the meerkats residents and staff also had a hand massage by a millipede.

"These sessions are very important and this year we have made it a priority at Exotic Zoo to provide animal therapy sessions as they help with stress and also makes people smile."

For more information on Exotic Zoo visit

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