Shropshire Star

Telford residents given longer to comment on how child sexual exploitation cases are handled

Residents in Telford have been given longer to comment on a  proposed review into how child sexual exploitation cases are handled.


Telford & Wrekin Council's children and young people scrutiny committee extended the deadline until Sunday after more people came forward following the cut off point last Friday.

The committee will be investigating how agencies responded to claims of child exploitation and has been asking people to comment on the proposed terms of reference for the review, which could start next month.

Councillor Kevin Guy, chairman of the committee, said: "We have extended it because we have had quite a good response so far but we have had a lot of other interested parties come forward expressing their views after the deadline and we thought it would be inappropriate just to have an arbitrary deadline that meant these views could not be heard, so we have extended it so those groups can get involved.

"They are mainly charitable organisations and bodies within the Telford & Wrekin area and they have brought forward some very good ideas and suggestions, so we are going to meet with the groups and talk to them about the review.

"We have also had a couple of victims who have come forward with some very interesting suggestions and I will be meeting with them over the next few days. It is crucial we consult with everybody before we move forward."

The council's fresh review will look into policing, social care, education and healthcare in the borough.

To comment on the proposed terms of reference, visit

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