Shropshire Star

Shropshire parachute club's fears over solar farm plans

A Solar farm with nearly 80,000 panels could spark problems for a nearby parachute club if plans are approved next week.


The scheme to turn Twemlows Stud Farm, near Whitchurch, into a solar farm of 79,968 panels could force Skydive Tilstock Parachute Club in Prees Heath – which uses a strip of the land as a runway and drop zone – to downsize, relocate or even close.

The plans have been recommended for approval ahead of a meeting of Shropshire Council's north planning committee on Tuesday, despite the potential impact on jobs and the effect it could have on charity skydives.

Other possible landing sites for parachutists have been suggested by developers, but there are fears over potential hazards and safety concerns.

In an objection to the plans, Jonathan Irving said: "I earn a living as an instructor at the centre on this land.

"As the suggested alternative landing area is closer to a life-threatening hazard of the wind turbine my livelihood will be negatively impacted.

"I love instructing people and this would also have an impact on my wellbeing.

"I do support alternative energy but not at the cost of a significant number of job losses and removal of prime agricultural land in a time when food security is challenged and the economy is only just grinding along."

Shropshire Council planning officer Tim Rogers said: "Concerns over the potential loss of parachute jumping zones are acknowledged, however it is understood that the British Parachute Association has agreed a proposed new drop zone in principle.

"Overall in relation to the wider benefits, it is considered that the impacts of the proposal can be accepted on balance."

Other organisations have also objected, including Campaign to Protect Rural England Shropshire and Open Spaces Society. There were 135 public objections and six letters of support to the scheme.

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