Shropshire Star

Letter: This cyclist won't be visiting Shrewsbury businesses again

Letter: My stepson and I cycled to Raven Meadows in Shrewsbury the other Saturday. We called in at Somerfields and then proceeded into the Riverside Shopping Centre pushing our bicycles.


Letter: My stepson and I cycled to Raven Meadows in Shrewsbury the other Saturday. We called in at Somerfields and then proceeded into the Riverside Shopping Centre pushing our bicycles.

As we neared TJ Hughes a security guard "jumped" out at us stating that bicycles were not allowed. I challenged this as we were only pushing our bicycles and not causing any nuisance. My protests were to no avail and we were turned around to exit at Raven Meadows.

So, to all the traders in the Riverside Shopping Centre, my business will have to be taken elsewhere due to "access difficulties".

Andy Bebb


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