Shropshire Star

Celebration just magic for this Shropshire family

It is a Shropshire family where magic runs through their veins. And, as one generation celebrates a landmark, another is preparing for a new challenge in the world of conjuring.


Shropshire magicians Geoff and Molly Rushworth, known on stage as Geoff Ray and Pat, are celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary.

And their son Paul is about to be elected as president of the British Magicians at the annual Magic Convention in Eastbourne, a role that was previously taken up by Geoff.

Geoff with Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee

Magic also runs down into the third generation too as Paul's son Joe, now 24, performed and won an award for his magic during his teenage years.

Molly, 79, who lives with Geoff in St James Road, Belvidere Paddocks, Shrewsbury, said she and her husband are delighted for their son.

She said: "It's fantastic because they're the first father and son in its history to have been elected as president. It really is wonderful and we're so proud.

"Magic certainly runs in our family. I never liked leaving Paul and Julie when they were children so they'd always come with us."

In their long and illustrious career, Geoff and Molly have travelled around the world as well as appearing on television, in shows, clubs and on cruise ships, entertaining the likes of Muhammad Ali, Priscilla Presley and Cary Grant.

In 1963, the couple came first out of 6,000 acts in a national talent competition, and in 1970 they won all the awards at the annual British Magic Convention – still a record today.

Despite the perception their careers are glitzy and glamour, Molly stressed it wasn't all card tricks and illusions.

She said: "Of course we love magic and loved what we did but it's not all glamorous, there were the late nights and early mornings, finishing at 3am and then getting up for the school run."

Geoff performs a trick for Muhammad Ali

This week, as well as celebrating their son's new role, Mr and Mrs Rushworth Snr are celebrating 60 years of marriage.

Geoff joked: "Sixty years is a long time – it's more than a life sentence."

Molly added: "Seriously though we've had a really great life together and what helped us was not living in each other's pockets, Geoff also did his judo and I was bringing up the children, so we had our own time.

"My top tip for a happy marriage though would be give and take."

One of the couple's favourite memories during their career is meeting Muhammad Ali.

The couple met him around 10 years ago at a magic convention in Louisville.

Mrs Rushworth said: "He was absolutely lovely, just lovely.

"He couldn't speak at that point but he knew exactly what was going on.

"When we went to pose for a picture all the men put their fists up so I did as well and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around me. He was so lovely.

"He loved magic too. He was staying at the same hotel as us at the time."

Paul will be elected as president of the British Magicians at the annual convention in Eastbourne, 24 years after his father held the post.

The comedy entertainer, who entertains under the name of Paul Ray, follows in the footsteps of his father who was president between 1991 and 1992.

It will be the first time in its 90-year history that a father and son have both held the position.

Paul, 59, said: "I'm absolutely delighted to be elected as president. It's a huge honour and I never thought I'd get the chance to do it and of course it's even more special because this will be the first time that a father and son have held this office.

"Dad taught me everything I know to be honest. Of course he's inspired my love of magic.

"He's led a fascinating life, and along with mum, they have achieved a great deal.

"Mum was even described in a magic magazine as the best magical assistant in the world.

"My sister Julie and I used to go round the working man's clubs with them, they also took us on a cruise ship for nine months, magic's always been a part of my life."

Paul said he's now looking forward to receiving his presidential chain in Eastbourne later this week.

He added: "Eastbourne brings back a lot of memories for me as I won Stage Comedy Magician of the Year there in 1986 and 2006."

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