Shropshire Star

Blog: No love affair over Daybreak

"We love you for spending the week with us here at Daybreak" chimed Adrian Chiles as the newest ITV morning show closed today. Unfortunately Adrian the feeling is not mutual, writes blogger Tracey O'Sullivan.


"We love you for spending the week with us here at Daybreak" chimed Adrian Chiles as the newest ITV morning show closed today. Unfortunately Adrian the feeling is not mutual,

writes blogger Tracey O'Sullivan


Now I gave this GMTV replacement the benefit of the doubt on Monday after it failed to completely win me over. I thought it had potential and once the initial fanfare had died down it would settle down and get on with the job.

No such luck. This programme still depends on a procession of its own correspondents on the sofa to fill the time which repeated appearances throughout the morning.

The big interview today was Price Charles but seeing as Adrian and co-presenter Christine Bleakley went to him at Clarence House there wasn't a single guest in the studio.

Did someone cut the budget for guests to pay for their new presenters by any chance? Because if they did they shouldn't have.

The more I watched Adrian and Christine the more I think they're just not right for this time of day. Watching them squeeze into those ridiculous snow suits this morning in the Cool for School featurette was the most amusement I've had all week as I renamed grumpy Chiles as Po and clinging limpet Christine as La La.

In fact the Teletubbies would probably do a better job. I've had enough of this pairs so-called "chemistry" and even their attempts to inject some humour into proceedings didn't seem as easy going today – perhaps the novelty of those early mornings is wearing off.

And the problem is any failings in their partnership are glaringly obvious because producers have not given them the best material to work with. The studio looked on the verge of being dingy today as "that view" was cloaked in darkness until almost 7am.

Christine made some cringe worthy effort to remind people it was there as she went outside to answer critics who complained it was fake. Perhaps it should have been and at least viewers could go back to waking up to something bright and nice to look at in the mornings.

The content was ramped up but it still consisted of rehashed stories and far too much repetition.

No doubt Adrian and Christine will have breathed a sigh of relief that the first week has passed without any major disaster. But they should drag their team back into the office this weekend and go back to the drawing board. Because Daybreak is not working at the moment and possibly heading for its own high noon.

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