Site of former school near Shrewsbury could be sold off
The site of a former primary school near Shrewsbury could be sold off by council bosses and developed.

Shropshire Council wants to dispose of Bayston Hill’s former Oakland School site.
The Oakland site was vacated in 2009 when the Oakland and Longmeadow schools merged to form Oakmeadow Primary School.
It is currently used for storage purposes.
Neighbouring landowners the Diocese of Lichfield have also earmarked the site, known locally as the ‘Glebe land’, for sale.
A report prepared for Shropshire Council’s cabinet meeting on Wednesday says that there is an opportunity to create a “single unique development” that could also build new community facilities.The report recommends the submission of outline planning applications. It says: “The development has the potential to provide mixed housing sizes with the site including a range of community facilities e.g. a community hub – incorporating but not limited to a library and parish office.
“The proposed development within the brief could enable current library provision to be moved to an alternative site.
“Building the library (as part of a community hub) on this new development would enable a community group to express an interest in managing the service thus supporting the council’s draft library services strategy.” The report adds that after a consultation with the community a number of concerns from residents have arisen.
The concerns centre on the loss of a green field – the Glebe land. Residents also highlighted concerns relating to traffic, parking, tree protection and the demand for a lower density housing development.
The report says that the concerns have been addressed in the development brief.
Councillor Ted Clarke, for Bayston Hill, Column and Sutton, spoke at the cabinet meeting.
He said: “This has been on the go for approximately eight years now.
“There has been considerable consultation with local residents and discussion generally.
“I’m really pleased to see we’re finally starting to make some progress.”
“I support the recommendation from the portoflio holder and officers and hope desperately that we’re going to make some real progress.”