Shropshire Star

Letter: Cyclists should have insurance

I was sorry to read about T Latham's dog being injured by an arrogant cyclist who thought he alone was entitled to use a footpath.


I was sorry to read about T Latham's dog being injured by an arrogant cyclist who thought he alone was entitled to use a footpath.

I have long thought that cyclists should pay a contribution to road tax, particularly when there are now so many cycle lanes freely available to them.

But, more importantly, they should definitely be made to have accident insurance.

I cannot count the times I have witnessed accident and injury caused to pedestrians and damage to other road users' vehicles, caused by arrogance, lack of knowledge of the highway code and plain stupidity of cyclists.

The simple fact is that the majority of cyclists should not be let loose on the highways and are a danger to themselves and others.

How this situation has been allowed to continue till now defies belief.

They should not be on the roads unless their bikes are registered and they have passed an official cycling proficiency test.

Juliet Young


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