Former independent school head tells the tale of a career in teaching and school leadership
Ex-headteacher Mike Piercy has written an autobiography about his life, personal and professional, showing how his experiences have influenced his educational philosophy, school leadership skills and views on the independent school sector. Mike has worked in education for over 25 years, most recently as the head of The New Beacon, Sevenoaks (which he merged with Tonbridge School in 2021), from 2008-2003. Prior to that Moor Park School, Ludlow, Shropshire, where he was head from 2001.
“I was completely absorbed by careering. It is clear and strong and grounded and full of telling detail… More than this, it is inspiring.” - Jonathan Smith, Novelist.
Educated initially in Africa then shipped to a UK boarding school, Mike Piercy stumbled and careered into teaching. Rising in time to leadership he became head of three prep schools over a 25-year period. Those who had taught him might well express surprise at this and, reflecting, he would be inclined to join them. Some of the curious characters he met along the way have informed his educational philosophy and eventual leadership. Bizarre events sometimes beggared belief but developed the skill of expecting the unexpected.
Independent schools – prep schools in particular – have some freedom to nurture individuality and can be appealingly eccentric. To the many who will be unfamiliar with prep schools (often cloaked in mythology) this book sheds light on their strengths, what they offer to young people and how they can be led through challenging economic and socio-political times. While aspects of leadership feature throughout, this is not a leadership manual.
Parenting can be tough. Having taught thousands of children, little, large, bold, reticent, working with their parents, his personal experiences herein are intended to engender encouragement, inspire confidence and, at times, arouse amusement.
Mike explains: “With a long career in education and headship I felt I had something to share. Independent schools suffer from ‘tall poppy syndrome’ and are much maligned, often through ignorance. Most are small schools, run on a tight budget, managed as small not-for-profit businesses. A head’s primary focus is of course the children but there are multifarious other aspects to the role, not least influencing – even changing – human behaviour.”
Careering will be published by Troubador Publishing on the August 28, it is available for purchase via the Troubador bookshop.
By Sophie Morgan - Contributor