Chief operating officer Peter Brophy: So many areas Shrewsbury Town can improve
Peter Brophy believes there are “so many areas” Shrewsbury Town can do better – but it will be Micky Moore who leads the philosophy on the pitch.

Salop’s new management structure are overseeing a review of club operations, with each new member of the team bringing their own expertise to the table.
And chief operating officer Brophy is looking forward to making progress, thanking fans for their patience over the last month since the end of the season.
“There are so many areas where I believe we can do better and improve things for you supporters,” he said. “There is no doubt I will make mistakes. But I’ll try to rectify them when I do. All I ask is the opportunity to do so.
“I’m encouraged by the chairman’s ideas and vision for the club and I’m really proud to be part of this new management team.
“Jamie Edwards has the role of primarily managing contracts and commercial activity, he also has the fan engagement lead.
“Duncan (Montgomery) will oversee the financial aspect of the club and our club secretary Jayne Bebb, who perhaps rarely was mentioned before, is also a key team member who plays a significant role in being our conduit to the EFL, Premier League and FA.
“It’s a strong team. It’s important, though, that I thank you all for your patience with us – and with me – over the last month or so.
“There has been lots of change, unprecedented perhaps. But we will build something that will be successful if we all stick together. It’s a big ask, but I ask it anyway.”
On the pitch, Brophy insists director of football Micky Moore will be leading the charge – along with the new head coach once appointed.
“As much as I would dearly love to be involved in choosing players and coaches, I know my limitations and how bad I am at picking fantasy football teams,” he said.
“That is very much Micky’s job and he has wonderful contacts across the Premier League and the EFL so I’m excited to see just how we move forward as a team and as a club.
“It will be Micky, the new head coach and all the football staff who will deserve the credit for success we have on the field.
“But if the club is run properly behind the scenes, it can only help everyone that’s connected with it – including supporters.”
Brophy has already “identified significant area for improvement”.
“The staff here are all committed to their work, to this club, to your club and I have been impressed by their work ethic,” he said. “But we can and we must do better. I have worked over the last few weeks to pull together new internal management structures, so everyone knows precisely who they report to.
“It can’t be the case that everyone reports to the same person, so we are changing. I don’t accept that because things have always been the way, they should always be that way.
“I’m also working alongside Jamie Edwards, to develop a governance process, which will help outline what we are doing, why and how.
“I’m responsible for developing a new HR system and I’ve already met partners from the local authority regarding stadium safety.
“I know it’s not the most exciting stuff in the world. I’m sure if you’re reading this you’d much rather go for a drink with Micky than with me.
“But these are important areas and it’s a large portfolio that I am responsible for.
“It’s HR, health and safety, safeguarding, stadium safety, events, EDI and so on.
“It’s not unmanageable and I am surrounded by people who have been here for years who can help me when I need it. This is a professional business, I just want to sharpen it.”
The COO has also had a “positive meeting” with the women’s team.
“We’ve already come up with a few ideas as to how we can and should support them,” he continued. “This is their home too, they have had a lot of success in recent years and they are another part of the club we want to build and grow. I want us to celebrate all of our success.”