'I fear for the future of so many' - Your Letters: January 27

From the words of President Trump’s mouth, I fear for the future of so many.
I could, if corrupt, envy the lives of his closest, providing they don't rock the boat. Heaven help them if they do. He seems to have almost the divine right of kings that used to exist here.
It no longer exists. One king, Charles I, went too far. Parliament took him to trial, then on to the block watch out Mr Trump, but no, everyone seems to adore you despite what they see and hear.
We can take action to call an election and get rid of the Government. We're even looking into the place of Lords, who hold their position though family rather than having it bestowed on them as a reward for service. Is there such provision in the States?
We had a regency for some years, but chose to go back to the Monarchy as a continuous body for a, shall we say, a glue to hold us together as a nation. It seems to have worked, though some despise it.
Our present royals seem to be closer to us in many ways,. Some we admire others we reject. In fact the working family have removed some, while others removed themselves and support themselves. Well done and thank you.
Mr Trump has already started to order countries about, as has his vice president. They've also shown their hope of gaining control and ownership, for the USA of other territories and countries. For those, who have seen land grabbers at work, we know war is close. Does anyone want that? We see its effects day by day.
May we never feel him trying to intimidate the UK. Any hint of pressure should end in the US forces leaving the UK within days. It will be a great loss to many and some may say to our security. It may however remove a threat from perhaps Russia and China invading us because we have US troops here. We can't read the minds of dictators. Like Trump they look to themselves and those close to them, rather than the welfare of their frailest people. America is in my blood. I love many there, both family and friends. My stepfather was an American. I stood for the flag, but not with a hand on heart. I stand for all flags and anthems that fly for their people, but not always for their leaders or laws. I show respect for human life, including and supporting the downtrodden anyway that I can.
My life will not see my greatest ambition, but perhaps from beyond there will be real peace one day, but not while dictators and law breakers hold power.
B A Flowers, Newport