Shropshire Star

'People who waste others time, call them out!' - Your Letters: January 18



I heard an item on the radio about disruptive passengers on airplanes. The company in question Ryanair, is charging the passenger in question for the cost of the disruption incurred by their actions. This was a considerable amount of money as the knock on consequences of diverting the flight involved the planes staff running out of hours and the passengers needing to be put up in a local hotel etc.

Only a week ago two paramedics who were unfortunately taking me into hospital were telling me that the call before mine involved a lady who basically wanted the ambulance to take her to Russells Hall hospital because her son lived opposite and she could walk over the road to see him. When they objected to this she became very belligerent and objectionable. There is a fine for wasting ambulance crews time I believe.

It’s about time that as a matter of course, people who waste others time, call them out without good reason or visit without good cause were fined and or prosecuted without hesitation.

The visit to A&E or the doctor, the call out to the fire or ambulance service or the disruption of others activity whether in a theatre or on a plane should be accompanied by a fine, prosecution and much publicity. It's about time that these people are called out and this type of activity is shown up for what it is, selfish in the extreme, irresponsible and dare I say moronic.