Shropshire Star

LETTER: Welsh government right to take care over coronavirus

A reader urges those in Wales to take care over coronavirus.


I think this continual reference to the 'R' number in relation to the spread of Covid-19 is very misleading. The most important factor is the number of possible disease spreaders in an area. It was said on the news recently that the R figure for London was low at 0.4 and that things were far worse in the North of England where it was 0.7.

However, it is the severe social lockdown that has kept infection down in the UK. Looking at London Underground travellers on the news yesterday, I'll be amazed if the number of cases in London does not explode with the easing of English rules on lockdown, and the return to school.

It must be remembered that the London Metropolitan Region has a population of 13.7 million in an area of only 3,236 square miles. That is equivalent to 4.5 times the population of Wales in 40 per cent of Wales's area. Ideal for spreading a virus, I'm afraid!

In Wales, the majority of cases are in densely populated South Wales. So be very careful!

Meanwhile, the North West England conurbation, with 6.5 million people and the West Midlands with another three million, are both very close to sparsely populated rural Wales, where the incidence of Covid-19 is low. Travel is the obvious factor that will spread this. I'm afraid that the Welsh police will have their work cut out with the volume of traffic that will emanate from England, with its huge population. Scotland is far more isolated from English conurbations. The Welsh Government are wise to be cautious at present. I'm fearful of what is in store for London! I just hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it!

L J Jenkins, Cardigan