Shropshire Star

Local MPS, what’s your future plan?

How nice, we all got busy and donated £48 million to ‘Children in Need’. I hope it all goes to a good cause helping our children and their future.


It’s also been a busy few weeks for our politicians. They have all been busy making irrelevant promises. Trying to score points by who can visit the flood victims the quickest. They then blame each other for the latest environmental disaster. Are our politicians missing the point?

In the summer of 2018 heat waves linked to climate change caused much lower yields in food crops particularly in Europe. Do the politicians also remember the record temperatures across Europe this summer? Our children’s food security is under threat.

The beautiful city of Venice currently stands under water. Parts of the north of England are also under water. Flooding must be one of the greatest threats to parts of the UK. Where and how will our children live?

Australia and the Amazon just burns. The burning forests spew more and more carbon into the atmosphere making the problem worse for future generations. Australia’s politicians deny climate change has caused the worst ever bush fire season. What pressure is being put on world leaders to discuss these problems?

In Delhi a thousand children ran a race in thick acrid poisonous smog. The organisers were slammed on social media for allowing the race to go ahead. Is that all the commentators can say!

Oh, and all our plastic recycling waste has been found burning in Indonesia. Our politicians and council members must have been aware of this. This has been public knowledge for a while and has been going on since China refused to recycle our rubbish at the beginning of 2018. Think of the children crawling amongst the poisonous fumes.

I wish to help my children’s future. But before I cast my vote in the coming election may I ask our local politicians to publicly respond to this letter. Local politicians, what is your plan?

Kevin Bundy, Admaston

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