Shropshire Star

Start spreading some wealth rather than fear

A few years ago it was decided the police were greatly overstaffed and it would not affect their efficiency or ability to control crime if it was cut by 20,000.


Johnson has now said he will increase the force by, surprise surprise, 20,000!

He also intends to have more prisons and cells to accommodate all those extra criminals that will now be caught.

We already have the highest rate of imprisonment in all of Western Europe.

Perhaps he should visit those countries and see how they cope.

If you offer a hungry person a sandwich they are going to take it.

Criminals offer deprived young people money to ensnare them.

It would do Johnson and others good to go and live in a deprived area for a week with only benefits to live on. A handful of people in this country own as much wealth as the rest of us put together.

What a difference it would make if they were to go out into the community and spread some of that wealth around?

They could finance youth clubs, which have been forced to close because of lack of funding, and set up projects and sports facilities to help young people feel part of society. If they are uncertain as how to start, I’m available and would not charge for my advice.

The problems need to be tackled at the source, not when they come to court.

Terry Hillier, Four Crosses

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