Shropshire Star

Management to blame, and not the will of the British people

In my opinion Martin Eddies talks a lot of sense, far more than the John Harrison who attacked him recently in the Star.


Mr Harrison describes himself has a management person who provides us with jobs, an income and pays corporation tax that supply our benefits and he dislikes Brexit.

He tells us that we are losing thousands of jobs while the national press tells us that we are employing far more than our EU member countries.

One does not have to be in management to understand the fact that, at the end of a farcical two years of incompetent negotiations inward investment will be tight – it is called common sense.

Mr Harrison tells us that “We have run the Brexit scenario and overall it won’t work” – we have done nothing of the kind – Brexit has not had a chance to begin any ‘scenario’ because the majority of our politicians have flatly refused to accept the country’s democratic vote to leave and it is quite obvious that you, Mr Harrison, have done the same!

You got one thing right in your letter – ‘the country is worse off by anyone’s standard’.

And it is plainly been caused by 45 years’ membership of the European dictatorship ruled by Germany and France, operates without democracy or annual accounts and treats Britain like a milch cow. I believe that it was management, your lot, who insisted on the open borders treaty which I thought we did not agree with, but they came in their millions anyway – are you proud of that as well Mr Harrison?!

It has been clear for many years that our politicians and management have been among the few who have benefitted from EU membership – the working man has certainly not and it is disgraceful that you anti-Brexit shower are prepared to trash Britain’s democratic system to get your own way.

Bob Wydell, Oswestry

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