Shropshire Star

Split the £3m between both county hospitals

Surprise, surprise, here we go again. The Princess Royal Hospital loses out to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. Why is Telford always the second class citizen?

Princess Royal Hospital, Telford, left, and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

The £3 million earmarked for PRH has gone to the RSH. If the Copthorne building, which is being refurbished, takes £3m then the building must be in a terrible state.

Instead of any refurbishment, why not share the money between both hospitals enabling them to recruit more staff which, would relieve the pressure on all concerned?

Especially as, according to the media, neither hospital can cope with the demands of people attending outpatients, accident and emergency, not forgetting the ambulance crews who are the first to attend any emergency and also understaffed.

The people of Telford fought a long, hard battle to have a hospital built, now bureaucrats are hell bent on destroying it.

I also find we are to close our A&E overnight, leaving the people of Telford and surrounding areas further to travel.

On a good day it may take approximately 40 minutes but knowing how busy the traffic can be, especially on the bypass, it will take a lot longer.

We also had a women and children’s unit built at the PRH, again there is talk of this unit being transferred back to Shrewsbury.

Future Fit is definitely not fit for purpose and has already cost millions, money that could have been put to much better use.

Mrs Hazel Scrivener, Madeley

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