Shropshire Star

Tiny goats visited a very cute resident at their zoo and jumping ensued

Word of the day: spronking.

(Vronja_Photon/Getty Images)

A pair of goats have added a Patagonian mara to their list of Oregon zoo residents they have met.

As part of the Tiny Goat Visits series, Sonia and Ruth take a walk to go and see the Oregon Zoo’s animals. In the latest episode, they have a wonderful encounter with a Patagonian mara named Chupacabra.

Chupacabra is named after a Latin mythical creature rumoured to enjoy sucking goats blood, but Ruth and Sonia seemed unfazed by him.

Chupacabra seems excited to see the pair, leaping up and down in their presence. This particular type of jumping is called spronking.

Ruth the two-month-old Nigerian goat kid is named after US supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and loves to climb rocks. Sonia the mini Nubian goat kid is happy following her friend around the zoo.

If you’d like to see more of Sonia and Ruth, new episodes will be released on the Zoo’s Facebook page every Tuesday until July 10.

The next episode will see the goats meet giraffes.

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