Shropshire Star

New footbridge for Telford nearing completion

Sections of Telford's new footbridge have arrived in the town as the project nears competition.

Work continues for the new footbridge

One of the centre sections of the bridge is visible from the nearby A442 Queensway, near Telford Shopping Centre.

Constructed in Leeds, the new sections of the bridge are expected to be lifted into place in the summer.

A date for the construction is expected to be announced in the next few weeks.

The new bridge will span two dual carriageways and a live railway line and will provide a new link between Telford Central station and Telford town centre.

Since the autumn the ground around the current bridge has been cleared while in Leeds, work began at specialist fabricators SH Structures to make the parts that, when assembled, will form the new bridge.

The new glass-sided bridge will be cheaper to maintain with a path to the town centre that won’t be as steep as the current one.

Wheelchair users, cyclists or people with pushchairs and heavy luggage will also have access the new bridge via new lifts.

This will not only make the journey from the railway station easier but also a better experience with improved lighting and protection from the weather.

The two dual carriageways carry about 14 million vehicles a year, with the live railway carrying four trains per hour.

The project is funded by a government grant that has been awarded to the council which can only be spent on the project.