Shropshire Star

Cream teas raise £1,800 in Stretton

An afternoon tea party has raised nearly £2,000 for charity on one of the hottest days of the year.

Megan Underhill, Elsa Morgan, Ben Crump, host Caroline Crump and Susan Toghill at the Essex Lodge cream tea afternoon. Pic: Lilian Tomlinson

The Strawberry Cream Tea afternoon was held at Essex Lodge, the home of Alan and Caroline Crump in All Stretton, near Church Stretton in aid of Cancer Research UK, at the weekend.

The money has now been counted and the total is a whopping £1,800, said Susan Toghill, chairwoman of the local Cancer Research UK fundraising committee.

She said: "This is the seventh one we've held at Mrs Crump's home. About 150 people came along at least, of all ages, the hot weather didn't seem to put them off.

"It went very well and it was very hot, we had a lot of people eating ice creams.

"We also had quite a lot of teenage volunteers acting as waiters and waitresses, helping with the serving.

"It is really nice to have the younger people helping out and we could not do it without them."

She said the next fundraising event will be a pie and pudding evening held at The Plough on September 15.